Herki will be spending a week or so in Littleton at a friend's housewhile we prepare the little bulls to be shipped. He is so goodnatured. The first day there were a couple times when I got a tinybit nervous watching the mare and molly mule chase him around - notreally though. They would come running at him full speed and fliptheir rearend at him like they were going to kick. He would lift hishead from the grass, give them a "so what - stop bothering me" look,and go back to munching. It was priceless. Now, after only 5 daysthere he is right at home. All three have been "caught" laying downtogether. All three will trot around the pasture together. He ishaving a blast at his vacation home AND he is only about 7 minutesaway, counting Littleton Main Street traffic. So, I get to save somegas and visit him twice as much. I go to see him at 6:30am and thengo again in the evening after work. The folks who allowed me to puthim in their pasture are very very nice. I don't see them much and Itry not to bother them - they are older folk. While I enjoy havingHerki so close I will be happy to have him back in Bath too becausethat is where all his equipment is - except for his western saddle,which I brought along because I plan to get in a Moore Dam ridebefore I bring him back home. I've been dying to do that ride for along time. Anyhow, that is what we've been up to.
Dancing with Horses
Dancing with my Le Cheval Canadien!!
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