Today I took Herki over to the big 9 acre piece because his little space was so muddy and I felt that he had a need to stretch his legs. Well, he sure did! His life was incredible all the way over to the pasture. AA was walking with us and began to jog up ahead and Herki began to trot and then bucked a couple times. I politely asked him to refrain from that behavior until I had a chance to get the halter off. As soon as I had his halter off he began running at top speed and bucking and rearing and just having a jolly old time. Austin and I stayed in the pasture for quite a while. Herki would gallop to the other end of the pasture, spin on his hind legs, rear up and gallop back towards Austin and I. I would have liked to be able to trust that he would stop in time so that he didn't run us over but I wasn't convinced that Herki had taken into account how slippery it was near where we were standing. So, as he got closer I would wave the halter and lead and he would come to a sliding stop, spin back around on his hindquarters and head to the other end. He did this several times and then lowered to the ground and rolled. When he was standing again he started searching for bits of grass. It was INCREDIBLE to watch this energy!! It was almost like it was Spring.....:)>
Dancing with Horses
Dancing with my Le Cheval Canadien!!
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