Dancing with Horses

Dancing with my Le Cheval Canadien!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I have always enjoyed watching horses dance at liberty like the one in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=669JgdXu-u0 . My goal is to dance with Herki this way. In preparation for this I have created a list of tasks for us to tackle together at liberty.

1. put halter on/take off with one knee on ground
2. moving his head from right to left
3. blended leading forward, backward, at the trot, canter
4. backing and leading one step at a time
5. handling all 4 feet
6. ground tie
7. step hindquarters over
8. step front end around
9. circle right and left
10. circle on hindquarters
11. figure 8 around cones
12. walk/trot over 4 poles
13. walk/trot over bridge
14. sidepass pole


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